Wayne Rowland’s Life and Creation: Bb Silver Water Colloidal

Wayne Rowland’s life path exemplifies resilience, grit, and a relentless quest for healing solutions in the face of profound challenges. His journey into the realm of alternative health innovations traces back to a life-altering industrial accident that left him grappling with the enduring effects of lead poisoning and the scourge of cancer. Confronted with a grim prognosis from conventional medical avenues, Rowland found himself at a crossroads, compelled to seek alternative paths to survival.

Facing Life-threatening Circumstances

Reflecting on his ordeal, as the only surviving member of his To Die with Dignity group, Rowland profoundly states, “That was the very first time that I ever found out that love and forgiveness were essential in life if you want to survive.” This realization became the cornerstone of his approach to healing, setting him on a remarkable trajectory of exploration and discovery.

The Search for Lead Poisoning and Cancer Cures

In his pursuit of unconventional treatments, Rowland encountered Ray Schmidt, a Catholic priest whose unconventional remedy for lead poisoning offered a glimmer of hope amidst despair. Disenchanted with the limited options presented by traditional medicine, Rowland embarked on a bold endeavor, offering a $10,000 reward for information on suppressed cancer cures. This bold move underscored his determination and galvanized a groundswell of interest in alternative healing modalities.

$10,000 REWARD

Recalling this pivotal moment, Rowland recounts, “I placed an ad in the newspaper in San Diego… I’m not going to accept the modality of the day… I offer a ten thousand dollar reward.” This bold declaration marked the genesis of a journey that would redefine the landscape of holistic health.

The response to Rowland’s call to action was nothing short of overwhelming, underscoring a widespread yearning for alternative approaches to wellness. Amidst the deluge of inquiries, one individual stood out, offering Rowland a profound revelation: “There’s not one cure for cancer that’s been suppressed; there’s been five. Which one do you want to know about?”

Enter Royal Rife Technology

Driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Rowland delved into the realm of Royal Rife’s pioneering frequency-based therapies. His encounter with Rife’s technology proved transformative, leading to the miraculous remission of his cancer and the alleviation of other health afflictions. Rowland affirms this pivotal moment, “I did it with frequency… and I haven’t had it since.”

Energized by his remarkable recovery, Rowland embarked on a mission to democratize access to alternative healing modalities. Collaborating with experts like John Sujaka, he delved deeper into the intricate interplay between frequencies, parasites, and disease. This journey of exploration culminated in a paradigm shift, prompting Rowland to redirect his focus from building Rife machines to addressing the root causes of illness.

Tesla Lighting Water

Drawing inspiration from the visionary insights of Nikola Tesla, Rowland embarked on a quest to harness the power of Tesla technology in holistic healing. His pioneering work in developing Tesla lightning-induced colloidal silver epitomizes his innovative spirit and commitment to pushing the boundaries of traditional medicine.

Reflecting on his groundbreaking contributions, Rowland asserts, “I set out to make a Tesla lightning type of colloidal silver that was completely different and stable, with results that could be consistently depended on to work the same every time it was used.” This unwavering dedication to excellence underscores Rowland’s enduring legacy as a trailblazer in the field of holistic health with the creation of his Silver Water.

B-flat Musical Silver Water Colloidal

In the course of his research, Wayne Rowland came to a profound realization regarding the Earth’s shifting alignment. “As I was conducting my research,” he notes, “I became aware that the Earth is shifting off its axis.” This discovery illuminated a fundamental change in the planet’s vibrational frequencies, which Rowland recognized as integral to maintaining optimal human health. He elaborates, “It’s no longer vibrating at its very special frequencies that play the music that keeps your body’s vibration in a healthy state.”

Further exploration led Rowland to identify the Earth’s frequencies as the musical notes comprising the major chord of B flat. Reflecting on this revelation, he emphasizes, “And those frequencies are the musical notes that make up the major chord of B flat.”

Driven by a desire to restore harmony between Earth’s vibrations and human well-being, Rowland and his team embarked on a groundbreaking endeavor. They leveraged their understanding of frequency modulation to manipulate the Hertz rate of lightning bolts, crafting three bolts attuned to the exact notes of the B flat chord: Bb, D, and F.

This innovative approach marked the inception of what Rowland dubbed “Wain Water,” a transformative Tesla lightning colloidal silver also known as Music Water or Magic Water. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge of Tesla equipment, Rowland established a manufacturing facility in the 1980s to produce this pioneering solution. He recounts, “I set up a manufacturing facility using my Tesla equipment and configuration to make the water using this process that I developed back in the 1980s.”

Rowland’s visionary efforts in harnessing the power of harmonious frequencies underscore his enduring commitment to advancing holistic health solutions. Through his pioneering work, he has not only revolutionized the field of alternative medicine but also provided a beacon of hope for individuals seeking harmony between themselves and the natural world.

Despite the immense impact of his innovations, Rowland chose not to patent his creations, opting to share his knowledge freely and empower others entrusted with continuing his legacy. His visionary approach to holistic healing continues to inspire countless individuals, offering a beacon of hope in an ever-evolving landscape of wellness.

Wayne Rowland’s odyssey in holistic health innovations is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance, ingenuity, and unwavering faith. His indelible imprint on the field of alternative medicine resonates as a testament to the boundless potential of human creativity in the pursuit of healing and vitality.


One response to “Wayne Rowland’s Life and Creation: Bb Silver Water Colloidal”

  1. I would like to get a copy of the Silver Water Colloidial Book by Rowland. When a family member had lyme disease, we used colloidail silver and the Rife Machine. He is over it and fully employed.

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