Regeneration of Flesh: Burn Victims, Skin Disease, and Aging

I have had huge success in treating third degree burn patients with the most amazing results with this Tesla-lightning Silver Water. Mind you the water is only .047 parts per million silver, but the electrical charge of that silver molecule is so intense and resonates at the B-flat music chord, that the results boggle the mind.

I could tell you stories about a man who lost a third of his ear, not only healed the burn, but grew back his ear. Other men have had severely burned faces, noses gone, grew back their facial skin, and their noses! Just by applying this musical silver water, and things change, and you grow back what you lost.

The flesh comes back renewed with no scarring.

Imagine being a child, who has been severely burned in an accident over two-thirds of her little body, being returned to her original condition by using my Tesla-lightning B-flat music water. I began working with burned children out of my compassion for them, allowing them to grow and mature without the scars of their unfortunate trials literally by fire, burned tissue, nerve networks, and muscle all grown back without scarring. What a contrast in a future in life, the lives that they will live.

One man lost the use of his hand completely due to the burning and loss of the majority of his hand and wrist, all grown back, nearly as good as new, with full function and sense of touch. Now, he can go back to work, also without noticeable scars.

If you have old burns, just apply my Silver Water Gel, it is a healing skin creme that stays on the surface for a prolonged time, allowing the silver music to do its work. This works especially good on fresh burns because it soothes the burned area as it heals, but it is also so unbelievably good on old burns, repairing tissue as scars fade away and the feeling returns to the area where the scarring occurred.

I have had tremendous success by applying Tesla violet ray frequencies and blue light therapy in conjunction with the regular application of the Silver Water gel for near-miraculous rejuvenation, healing, rebuilding, and regenerating of new flesh. An impressive combination.

This combination has shown to be effective to treat all kinds of skin disorders, including wound infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne, and so many, if not all, other skin problems.

What you get with my Silver Water is

  • Incredibly small particles of silver
  • Electrically charged by powerful Tesla-lightning
  • Suspended in pure distilled rainwater
  • Infused with the B-flat major chord notes, the frequency of our formally thriving earth

In one product, classified simply as colloidal silver, but that classification simply doesn’t do it justice. Later, I had it reclassified as healthy drinking water to avoid the restrictions of the United States Government to suppress colloidal silver. (The advantage of possessing smaller particles than “colloidal silver.”)

By applying Silver Water Gel to the skin surface, you can take advantage of the music water’s impressive performance as an outstanding antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, accelerated wound healer, that rebuilds tissue and reduces scars.

  • Eliminate toxic bacteria, viruses, and fungi that may be fouling up your skin.
  • Reduce swelling, red patches of skin, and experience immediate pain relief to damages skin areas.
  • Regenerate tissue, muscles, and nerve networks.

With the regular application of Silver Water Gel to the surface area of your skin.

You can apply Silver Water to the area to be treated in any way you can. You can just pour some Silver Water in your hand and apply it to the wounded area or get the spray and spray it generously on the area you want to target, soak a body part in the solution, or spread the Silver Water Gel on the area.

To increase the healing efficacy and reduce recovery time, apply Tesla violet ray frequencies and blue light to the area being treated.

Not everyone will be able to embrace this technology. Some people will claim this is magic, witchcraft, or “of the devil.” I’ve had some experience with that. I used to give music water away and loan Tesla violet ray equipment to people I wanted to help and help them I did. But after their religious elders found out, they dumped out the water and destroyed the equipment, as they considered them to be works of the devil.

And I’m a very spiritual person, but some people, you just can’t help no matter how hard you try.

This is not the devil, people, this is the result of information that I received from visiting God’s banquet table, and I am just making the information available to you. Use it as you see fit.


One response to “Regeneration of Flesh: Burn Victims, Skin Disease, and Aging”

  1. Dear Mr. Rowland,

    I have found information about you and I have been watching your videos and everything you talk about is wonderful and I was hoping to get some direction regarding stem cell treatment…. if you have it.
    Two months ago I met Matias, a young man of 34 who had come to Italy from Argentina to look for a better life expectancy because in Argentina his life was being compromised. He was born with renal immunodeficiency and for 18 years he lived with half a kidney.
    At 18 years, he was transplanted with one of his mother’s kidneys. Today, after 15 years of being transplanted, the Argentine government has denied him medications and unable to provide his medications anymore.
    He has been forced to leave everything and venture out to look for a better alternative in life. In Italy he has started the control and is about to start receiving medications to maintain his transplanted kidney.
    He was given a 20 year span with this method and he has now reached the 15 year mark. He now has 5 years left. He needs to be taking two handfuls of medication each day and there are side effects to these
    He does not want to keep taking medications and is looking for an alternative.
    Matias still has his two kidneys since they were not touched and still attached to him. This may perhaps
    be an excellent opportunity to learn more about stem cell and progressing with this alternative method.

    I was hoping you might have some information on this and offer some direction for our friend Matias. Do you offer treatments? I was thinking more along the lines of regrowing his liver using his own DNA. We live in Italy, and perhaps there is a contact there for him or maybe he would have to go somewhere else for treatment? I am open to your suggestions. I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Kind regards,

    Seann F

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