Questions and Answers Wayne Rowland

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Q: What is the standard maintenance dose of Silver Water?

A: My Tesla-lightning and B-flat Silver Water is approved as a healthy alternative drinking water, so you can drink as much as you want. However, many people take one ounce or one cap full of Silver Water once in the morning and once at night as a recommended maintenance dose.

Q: I already use your recommended dewormer; why do I need your Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Kit?

A: First, ask yourself how that has been working for you. You don’t need to do anything else if your results are satisfactory. It all depends on your level of expectation. Plus, more importantly, the dewormers are poison. My kit contains an effective array of pathogen-killing agents, special enhancers, and binders, plus a gut-rebuilding program for the most effective elimination of pathogens with little or no damage to the microbiome. In fact, your microbiome will be in a better state than your body has ever known previously. Just be cautious when using a powerful dewormer.

Q: I use a 500-pound dose of horse paste dewormer daily. Is that okay?

A: I can’t tell you what to do because everyone is different. You must test with your own body, listen to it as you go along, and check in with your natural healthcare provider. Doctors and veterinarians have used these products (dewormers), from pediatrics to livestock maintenance. While there are recommended doses, I haven’t heard of any man or animal that has overdosed on them. I think starting with the recommended dose for an animal’s body weight is a good place to start. These dewormers are pretty mild but do break down the microbiome. That’s why I run the gut rebuilding program concurrently with the parasite cleanse and deworming.

Q: When you talk about eliminating diabetes, are you talking about Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes?

A: It doesn’t matter what type of diabetes or what type of disease that you have been diagnosed with. In my opinion, diseases, for the most part, if not all of them, are fictitious names for a particular set of symptoms that can be profitably managed over the life of any person who has been diagnosed with that set of symptoms. To that end, the medical industry has deemed such diseases as incurable. So, to answer your question, I use the general term of diabetes to signify both Type 1 and Type 2 or any other type that they may come up with.

Q: Is it true that you eliminated your cancer using a Rife Machine?

A: Yes; by accident. I had stomach and esophagus cancer and refused to take the chemo/radiation recommended approach. I sought alternatives, and the Rife Machine sounded like the best alternative at the time. I got my hands on one and used it, and it worked. I was super excited and started researching Royal Rife and his inventions, only to find out that the setting on my device was not correct for killing cancer; it was set for killing worms. That opened my eyes and led me down the path of parasitic causes of disease, which was not on anyone’s radar at that time, at least not among the mainstream medical community.

Q: Do you still make and sell Rife Machines?

A: No, I abandoned that long ago, but I still support those who use Rife Machines because we know they work tremendously. I have been involved in other more evolved projects since then. My Body Charger has proven to be very effective and easier to use. If you are looking for frequencies to use for your Rife Machine, refer to Nenah Sylver’s The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health.

Q: Is your Disease Symptom Elimination Kit good for treating chronic Lyme disease?

A: Your doctor will treat Lyme disease. My Disease Symptom Elimination Kit, if followed diligently with 10 cases of my Silver Water, will get rid of Lyme. Stop treating it and get rid of it instead. Note: This is the standard recommendation for any incurable disease. Remember that the parasites associated with Lyme are among the hardest to kill, so if you have had chronic Lyme for some time, it may take longer to clean house. In that case, take one month off and conduct another 3-month round and 10 cases, if necessary.

Q: Whatever happened to Wayne Rowland’s eye drops?

A: Two kinds of eye drops have been recommended. The one that was promoted while it could be imported for a short time in 1997 is no longer available. My DIY gold standard eye drop solution prior to and since then is a 50/50 mix of Silver Water and DMSO for severe conditions. 80% Silver Water / 20% DMSO for moderately severe eye conditions three to five times a day, and pure Silver Water as an eyewash that can be used anytime for irritation or irrigation of the eyes. Note: For severe eye concerns, conduct a Disease Symptom Elimination and deworming concurrently for best results, and make small batches of eye drop mixes, creating a new batch once a week.

Q: What percentage of Lugol’s iodine is used for candida, and how do you use it for candida?

A: I use 6.6% Lugol’s, but 5% is fine to get you started. Take six drops of Lugol’s iodine in eight ounces of water three times per day for three days, or longer if need be, while you are taking my Silver Water (at least one ounce or one cap full morning and evening at least one-half hour after taking the iodine).

Q: How can I use your Silver Water to treat my RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome)?

A: You should stop treating RLS and get rid of it instead. Restless Leg Syndrome is also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, and as with any other group of symptoms labeled as a syndrome or “disease,” diligently conducting my Disease Symptom Elimination Kit with 10 cases of my Silver Water will get you well on the other side of it.



Post-Wayne Questions and Answers

Q: Wayne used a Rife Machine. Do I have to use a Rife machine as well?

A: Wayne used a Rife machine to treat his cancer, but they are really expensive and hard to find. In the back of his Worms Are Killing You! book, he mentions other affordable devices, like Wayne’s Body Charger and Violet Flame Device, Spooky2, and Bob Beck Machine.

Q: How do I get the B-flat frequencies? Is there a device for that?

A: The B-flat frequencies are embedded in Wayne’s Silver Water during manufacturing, often called “music water.” You could achieve the same result using three Rife machines at once.

Q: Where can I get HGH Boost?

A: That technology is no longer available, but here is more information you might find helpful: Why Human Growth Hormone Is Illegal Today & How to Make Your Own HGH.

Q: How do I use Silver Water and DMSO?

A: In general, Silver Water is perfect for drinking and is every bit as safe as purified drinking water. Mixing with DMSO is great for topical application, rubbing on the skin, usually in 70% DMSO and 30% Silver Water below the waist and 50/50 above the waist, according to the DMSO for Humans book.




3 responses to “Questions and Answers Wayne Rowland”

  1. So many different suggestions about amounts of deworming horse paste. I have found a 400 lb measurement once a day seems to work for me. How about you?

    • I started with an pencil eraser sized dose once a day which made the worms go crazy! I went to the Dr. and got mad at being mistreated, then did three full tubes a day over three days, and I am very happy and have no more problem. Very disappointed in my doctor, who ran all the tests and pretty much said I had no worms and insinuated that I was a nut-job, as in it was all in my head.

    • I hit them from both sides; inside and out. Like you, I took a higher dose orally, but then I mixed a 50/50 mixture of dewormer and DMSO and additionally applied the formula to any body surface area where I became aware of activity as well. For me, this was an incredibly satisfying and effective method of actively participating in their targeted elimination.

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