Category: Uncategorized

  • Silver Water Colloidal – Silver for Humans Health Wellness and Healing by Wayne Rowland with Herb Roi Richards


    In “Silver Water Colloidal,” Wayne Rowland, a remarkable figure in the realm of alternative health, shares his extraordinary journey from the brink of death to vibrant health. After surviving an industrial accident that left him with terminal lead poisoning and cancer, Rowland embarked on a quest to save his own life. Through years of relentless… Read more

  • Wayne Rowland

    This site is a repository for information about and by Wayne Rowland, the self-educated quantum science engineer, inventor, and medical intuitive in the Pacific Northwest. The holder of the most extensive personal collection of Tesla equipment and devout student of Tesla and Rife technologies, Wayne Rowland’s contributions to the community and the world at large… Read more