Wayne Rowland Silver Wain Water

Wayne Rowland developed Silver Wain-Water, and ingestible silver colloidal. Traditionally, silver has been used as a proven antibiotic and astringent, with no known side effects. Wain-water has been used as part of a human de-worming process, and testimonials attest to its value as a “miracle cure” for a variety of ailments from burns to diabetes to psoriasis. The device he manufactures to produce this product includes several universal energies with particular harmonic resonances, including that of the earth.

Born on a Native American Reservation and raised under the tutelage of a Shaman, Wayne Rowland is a “sensitive” with remarkable powers of perception and insight. For many years, he studied the diverse world of metaphysics and has worked extensively with the ideas and equipment of Nikola Tesla. He furthered his studies with Wilhelm Reich, and Royal Rife. After a disappointing encounter with traditional medicine when he discovered he had cancer, he turned to alternative health solutions. These led to his development of Tesla-inspired devices which he uses for health care.

It was the inspiration of Nikola Tesla, combined with his own research for optimum health and immunity from disease that led to Wayne’s creation of Silver Wain Water. In conjunction with a program for deworming, the use of Silver Wain Water has brought forth some astounding testimonials and “miracle cures” for a variety of ailments from 3rd degree burns to diabetes and one case of psoriasis so severe it was deemed by the medical professional as terminal.

Many companies manufacture colloidal silver. The material is used for a variety of ailments both internally and externally. Historical research, however, indicates colloidal silver sometimes yields inconsistent results. Our plan was to create a new product that would encompass healing modalities and provide the desired consistency of results. We decided to do this by including universal energies with their harmonic resonance to impregnate the product.

Our research was completed three years ago. The statements of healed patients and photos command respect and establish the credibility of this product.


The product consists of small molecules of pure silver suspended as a colloid in clean drinking water. The purpose of this silver goes beyond traditional use of silver as a proven antibiotic and astringent. The micron-sized silver particles now carry the harmonic resonance of the earth’s natural frequency.

Colloidal silver has always required at least 10 parts per million of silver particles to be effective. Using frequencies, we have been able to reduce this amount to less than one-tenth of one part per million.

In all, colloidal silver has proven useful against more than 650 different infectious diseases. Medical journal reports and studies have indicated no known side effects from the use of properly prepared colloidal silver.


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