Silver Water has accelerated new tissue growth in burns and prevented infection and scarring. It is completely safe, does not harm helpful enzymes or flora, does not accumulate, has no known drug interaction, is non-toxic, has no side effects, has no tolerance, or has no known super strains or mutations.
This silver is produced by controlled discharges of high-voltage electricity, creating streams of visible lightning that generate a pulse that sets molecules of pure silver into musical motion.
If you are just getting to know Wayne and his work, the best way to jump right in is with his introductory kit. It includes two books, Silver Water Colloidal and Worms Are Killing You! Plus two quarts of Wayne’s B-flat Silver Water.

Wayne Rowland Products
Silver Water Colloidal 3 Parts Per Million
Each ounce of Silver Water has over 9 billion electrically charged, antimicrobial particles. Each particle is less than 0.002 microns in size, made of 99.999% pure silver, and permanently bound to the unique frequency-enhanced structure of pure de-ionized water. Tell Me More…
The Original Wayne Rowland Silver Water Gel
Silver Water Gel is our uniquely charged Silver Water in a gel base. It is great for after sun exposure, burns, cuts, chafing, bites, or whenever you need prolonged silver water surface contact for cellular rejuvenation. Tell Me More…
I AM Painless Silver Spray
Painless Silver Spray is four times more powerful than Painless Original, providing prescription-strength relief without harmful drugs. It penetrates the core of the pain regardless of the cause, relieving it from the inside out. Formulated by Wayne Rowland, it contains Silver Water Colloidal Wain Water.
Organic Dulse Purple Seaweed
Purple dulse seaweed from the ocean is a rich source of several vitamins, including vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), B vitamins, and vitamins C, D, E, and K. It is also a rich source of several minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron. Seaweed has soluble fiber, is rich in omega-3 antioxidants, is high in vegetable iodine, and more. Tell Me More…
Ultrazyme Plus
Ultrazyme Plus Digestive Enzymes optimize meal assimilation with high-potency enzymes from plant sources combined with ionic minerals, increasing their full catalytic effect throughout the gastrointestinal tract. They are organic, non-GMO, and from healthy plants. They are good for circulation, help digest protein, and improve the immune system. Tell Me More…
Bio-Dyna Zyme
Bio-DynaZyme has been formulated with specific enzymes that remove biofilm and destroy the hiding places of persistent harmful bacteria, leaving them vulnerable to elimination. Tell Me More…
Ultrabiotic Plus
With 12 strains of powerful pro-biotics amounting to a strength of five billion CFU per gram, Ultrabiotic Plus will restore all the necessary bacteria to help the intestinal tract for optimal function. Certain strains of bacteria are essential in our intestines to break down food and protect against thriving harmful bacteria or pathogens in the gut and GI Tracts. Tell Me More…
Stabilized Greens
The value of green foods in our daily diet has firmly been established. The Proprietary stabilized greens blend used in this Certified Organic Superfood can help boost energy levels and revitalize and detoxify the body. This Greens Mix is an easy alternative to daily fruits, vegetables, and greens to aid digestion and enhance your immune system. Tell Me More…
Silver Water Spray is superior to regular colloidal silver sprays. This is the original Wain Water—the small-molecule Silver Water colloidal designed by Wayne Roland. Each ounce contains over 9 billion charged antimicrobial particles with 3PPM silver.
Silver Water Colloidal 10 Parts Per Million
This is the 10PPM version of the Silver Water Colloidal. Each ounce has over 9 billion electrically charged, antimicrobial particles. Each particle is less than 0.002 microns in size, made of 99.999% pure silver, and permanently bound to the unique frequency-enhanced structure of pure de-ionized water.
Wayne Rowland Recommended Products
Lugol’s Iodine 6.6%
Lugol’s Iodine 6.6% is a powerful and effective solution that offers numerous benefits for your health and well-being. Its higher concentration of iodine provides even greater support for thyroid function than Lugol’s Iodine 5%. Do not use if allergic to shellfish.
In Japan and Europe, serrapeptase (serratiopeptidase), an enzyme found in silkworms, has been used for years to treat inflammation and pain caused by surgery, trauma, and other inflammatory conditions. In addition to its purported health benefits, serrapeptase is widely available as a dietary supplement.
Pascalite Clay
Pascalite or bentonite and other clays (aided by psyllium and flaxseed) will help your gut to detoxify by adsorbing disease-causing bacteria, viruses, mold, parasites, etc., and carrying them out of your body in your feces. Pascalite clay’s structure helps it attract and soak up toxins and contaminants on its exterior wall, then draw them into the interior center of the clay, where they are held and then excreted out in your stool. This sponge-like quality of the Pascalite clay makes it a good anti-diarrhea substance, as it detoxes your body!
Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Drops
Sodium Chlorite and Citric Acid make Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Drops ideal for any emergency kit. When mixed together, they form Chlorine Dioxide, a powerful neutralizer. The two-bottle set is ideal for camping, hiking, travel, or any other emergent situation requiring disinfection or sanitization. With the NACS WPD kit, any water source can be disinfected and made safe to drink. Kit complies with FDA standards and is recommended by the CDC and EPA guidelines for safe drinking water.
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