Wayne Rowland on the Truth About Pathogenic Rheumatoid Arthritis

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What you are about to hear about rheumatoid arthritis is off the record, and I will neither confirm nor deny that this conversation ever took place because I want to tell you the truth about Rheumatoid Arthritis. A chronic inflammatory condition like rheumatoid arthritis affects much more than just your joints. In some people, the condition can damage your skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels. Progressive disability, premature death, and socioeconomic burdens are associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis patients do not effectively respond to the current treatments, so new drugs are being sought for Rheumatoid arthritis patients. As a pathogenic disease, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) causes substantial morbidity and decreased quality of life, as well as increased mortality, and costs billions of dollars every year in medical expenses.

As a medical intuitive, I can see and have different methods of determining what your physiological problems are. As with any medical intuitive, any information you are given can be dissected, discredited, and destroyed in an effort to make the intuitive look like an idiot by students of modern medicine. I’ve seen it before and it doesn’t bother me, except for when it comes to you.

Your health concerns me. When I go to God’s banquet Table and am given insight to your problem, that is a precious gift from God, through me, to you. If I knew you were going to go to your doctor and try to start a war between the medical industry and God, using me for their scapegoat, I’d rather have saved the time and effort to do so.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t care what they say about me or any of the other medical intuitives that I have come in contact with along the way, but I would humbly offer a bold challenge. Ask them how many people who have come to them suffering from rheumatoid arthritis no longer have it? How many people have been healed from RA? I know how many: ZERO.

Ask those who have worked directly with me, and the results would reveal after you’ve done the math, it turns out 90% or 9 out of 10 people no longer have rheumatoid arthritis. Why do you think that is? That’s because God shows me what is going on with you, in non-medical scenes. So, I can offer you ideas and suggestions that would never have crossed the minds of your doctors.

In most cases, I can clearly see, not the indicators that your doctor might see, but the things that he or she would deny is even a possibility for your arthritis. If I see your body is swarming with worms and bugs who are sucking the nutrition from the food you eat, immunity resources, and life out of you, while they fill you with their life-threatening toxic waste, not totally, but just enough to keep feeding off of you while keeping you this much away from death, I will tell you, if that is what I see.

There are those of us who can see these microscopic parasites and pathogens camping and setting up shop in the area of your joints, and for many sufferers of arthritis, they would never know. It’s not something your doctor would look for.

Right off the bat, your doctor will say that is impossible. Why? Because you’re and American and you live in the United States of America, and we don’t have those kinds of problems here. If you want to find parasite problems go to some third-world country, but don’t you dare suggest that we could possibly have that kind of problem here. This represents the current medical training in the United States.

If you suggested to your doctor that parasites and worms might be the cause of your arthritis, he might refer you to a psychiatrist. Which interestingly enough, they might also do if you are diagnosed with Morgellon’s disease, a set of symptoms that exhibit painful and persistent signs of being attacked by aggressive parasites and worms. Still, you doctor will insist that your condition is not a parasite and/or worm problem, it is a psychological problem, because “we don’t have that problem here.”

Nonetheless, if that is what I see, I might suggest that you consider a thorough parasitic cleanse and deworming. Now, there’s nothing glamorous about a thorough parasitic cleanse and deworming. If you have never experienced such a thing, it will potentially be one of the most disgusting things you will ever do, but the process is hugely beneficial and enlightening. If you do so, you will learn things your doctor would never tell you, and will deny all the way to his weekend on his yacht, and you will never forget it.

Oh, by the way, your rheumatoid arthritis? It’s nearly gone, if not eradicated altogether, forever, just by conducting a thorough deworming and parasite cleanse.

You could try my Clean Me Up Program for a month and notice how much progress you’ve made, even a week will offer some relief, or you can do it for the recommended three months for a full cleanse, and be done with it, though not forever.

I’m not saying that parasites and worms are the only cause of arthritis, and for some reason, one out of ten people who do this doesn’t get rid of their arthritis completely. And I’m not saying anything about the one out of ten, but I’ve felt that they did not follow the program diligently.

A Thorough Cleanse Requires Diligence

If you half-ass this thing and don’t do it every day, as directed, or you take time off, you will be in trouble. These things, especially the pathogenic spirochetes are programmed for one main thing, survival, followed by feeding off of your body’s resources. So, if you take a break, they take advantage of your weakness, they get out and have sex, multiplying their numbers rapidly while your guard is down, feeding off of you and peeing out their waste, leaving you sick, probably sicker and feeling more awful than you did before you started this thing. If you are conducting the three-month program, you can more easily recover from these little missteps that can occur even amidst the performance of the most dedicated participant.

Don’t do it. Don’t half-ass this thing. If you’re going to beat them, annihilate them completely taking no prisoners, or wait until you’re ready to follow through.

Now, on the other hand, I doubt you will ever be able to kill them all, and killing every last one of them is not necessary. Most, if not all of us, are hosts to parasites and worms, and if their numbers are small, we can manage a symbiotic relationship, but if they get out of control, their numbers too big, their waste reaching unmanageable levels, you get arthritis. If it’s not arthritis, you get something else.

You may have to do a deworming and parasite cleanse every once in a while. Some people do this every season or once a year. Everyone is different.

Fantastic results can be achieved by using my Body Charger, which you may be able to use by seeking out a Natural Alternative Specialist who may have one available.


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