Wayne Rowland Intuitive Inventor of Tesla Lightning Silver Water

It is said that Wayne Rowland has remarkable powers of perception and insight, having been raised on a Native American reservation under the tutelage of a shaman. In addition to studying the diverse world of metaphysics for many years, he has worked extensively with Nikola Tesla’s ideas and equipment.

The entertaining and humorous Wayne reads the group’s aura or energy to determine the direction of his talks.

During his presentations, he often draws or channels information from God’s banquet table for ideas and inspiration.

The challenge of being embedded in a wall by a lead explosion led Wayne to pursue health, science, and alternative medicine years ago. His life was saved, finally, not by the best medical team available, but by a priest who gave him blue-green algae to ingest and form into poultices. Hospital doctors offered little hope of recovery.

After leaving the hospital, Wayne’s faith in the medical establishment was severely shaken. Lead residue in his body led to stomach and esophagus cancer. He sought medical assistance once again, and was told: “Try chemotherapy.” After researching the proposed treatment, he found that it was actually mustard gas, which was used during World War I as a deathly poisonous weapon of war.

This was Wayne’s last doctor visit. He made a conscious decision to take responsibility for his own health and began looking back into the past for healthcare solutions free of pharmaceutical drug cartel’s control.

In his search, Wayne first investigated the work of Royal Rife and the Rife microscope. Next came Wilhelm Reich and his devices. Wayne focused his attention on Nikola Tesla’s ideas and technology as well as why this information has been suppressed. Since then, he has been building Tesla-inspired devices with a small group of scientists, which led to the invention of his body charger.

In light of his findings, Wayne switched away from Rife and Reich technologies to focus exclusively on Tesla’s. In order to create Silver Wain Water, he uses Tesla’s manmade lightning, which is available today under the simple brand name Silver Water. He uses Nikola Tesla’s technologies.

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