Wayne Rowland God’s Banquet Table and Tesla Scientific Discoveries

Wayne Rowland graciously allowed himself to be captured on video while presenting at the Global Sciences Congress in Tampa, Florida. It is clear that Wayne Roland’s life was challenging and transformative as he shared his story. He was raised on a North Dakota Indian reservation by a shaman and his wife after his mother couldn’t cope. To survive, he focused on accessing information from “God’s banquet table.”

Despite never having attended school, he learned to read and write from an 1840s engineering encyclopedia, revealing ancient engineering principles that are now being rediscovered.

In spite of rejection from his dream to become an engineer, Wayne built a successful fur trading group. He later owned his own engineering company and built government buildings. However, a tragic accident during a contract left him severely burned and suffering from lead poisoning. A miraculous intervention saved his life. He became a member of the “to die with dignity” club.

As a result of Ray Schmidt’s unique remedy for lead poisoning, Wayne recovered spectacularly. He faced challenges, including cancer and arthritis, and emerged as a survivor with a profound understanding of health and life. Throughout his story, Wayne discovers how to overcome life’s obstacles, and his resilience is revealed.

Wayne claims to have found a way to overcome this barrier, emphasizing the importance of deworming by challenging common health practices.

In contrast to conventional belief, he asserts that parasites are a problem for everyone, not just third-worlders. As a result of deworming himself and extracting eight to ten-inch parasites, Wayne was able to deworm over a hundred thousand people with noticeable results.

The Wayne’s Human Parasite & Deworming Cleanse Protocol can be found here.

Deworming can force parasites to leave or die within the body by changing one’s vibration, Wayne suggests. Parasites are associated with a variety of health problems, such as cancer, arthritis, and bad breath, according to him.

There are parasites in everyday food, and they enter the body through osmosis. Wayne proposes a deworming program that claims to alleviate diabetes, Epstein-Barr, chronic fatigue, and Candida.

In addition, Wayne discusses the impact of parasites on thymus function, warts, and even hair loss. He introduces a deworming program that he claims has helped individuals regain their health.

Wayne Rowland invented a new type of colloidal silver water created by charging water with Tesla-type lightning. According to Wayne, the magic wain water can be used to treat eye infections, pink eye infections, and chronic ear infections among children. In Wayne’s opinion, the FDA is aware of the water’s effectiveness and is taking steps to limit its availability and promotion.

The time has come when individuals are not able to freely discuss or purchase silver water, according to FDA regulations. According to Wayne, this is censorship, and he warns that health-related discussions are restricted in terms of any potential health benefits associated with any type of colloidal silver. In his opinion, colloids are being removed from the market, preventing people from learning about or purchasing effective health solutions.

Wayne Rowland’s research has led him to become somewhat of an expert in age regression and introduced a human growth hormone boost he claims can boost an individual’s appearance and energy. Due to anticipated regulatory changes, he emphasizes the limited availability of this product due to potential side effects related to increased performance in men.

Wayne recommends Lugol’s 5% iodine as a way to combat Candida and promote general health. Wayne admits that the majority of his knowledge and inspiration does not come from books but rather from visiting God’s banquet table via his own spiritual methodology.

Owner of the largest personal collection of Nikola Tesla’s equipment, Rowland revealed that he possesses one such device that enables individuals to transport to another planet. Wayne Rowland developed many new devices based on technologies introduced by Tesla and augmented with data from God’s banquet table. Such devices include a gasoline mileage-doubling device and a second-dimensional time machine.


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