Silver Water Colloidal – Silver for Humans Health Wellness and Healing by Wayne Rowland with Herb Roi Richards

In “Silver Water Colloidal,” Wayne Rowland, a remarkable figure in the realm of alternative health, shares his extraordinary journey from the brink of death to vibrant health. After surviving an industrial accident that left him with terminal lead poisoning and cancer, Rowland embarked on a quest to save his own life. Through years of relentless research and experimentation, he not only cured himself of cancer but also found innovative ways to manage his lead poisoning and enhance his overall well-being.

At the heart of Rowland’s healing journey lies his groundbreaking discovery: Silver Water Colloidal. Rowland has created a new generation of colloidal silver with the tiniest-sized particles by utilizing Tesla-generated lightning and infusing water with musical frequencies equivalent to the Earth’s perfect B-flat major chord. This revolutionary product, available under the brand name “Silver Water,” has garnered widespread acclaim for its potent health benefits and unparalleled purity.

In “Silver Water Colloidal,” Rowland delves into the science behind Silver Water and its profound impact on human health. Through meticulous research and personal anecdotes, he explores the therapeutic properties of colloidal silver and its effectiveness in combating various diseases and ailments. Silver Water is a versatile and potent tool for promoting wellness and vitality, from immune support to wound healing.

Beyond Silver Water, Rowland shares his insights into other transformative health practices, including his controversial parasite cleanse and deworming program. The book offers a comprehensive guide to holistic healing and rejuvenation, with chapters devoted to gut rebuilding, disease symptom elimination, and the role of doctors and the FDA.

With its seven chapters encompassing a wealth of knowledge and practical advice, “Silver Water Colloidal” is a must-read for anyone seeking to unlock the secrets of optimal health and vitality. Whether you’re battling chronic illness or simply striving to enhance your well-being, Wayne Rowland and Herb Roi Richards’ groundbreaking insights and innovative approaches will inspire and empower you on your journey to wellness.

Today, diseases seem to be on the rise, ranging from chronic conditions to acute illnesses, creating a broad spectrum of health challenges for individuals. However, a look back into history reveals a significant difference: there was a time when diseases weren’t as prevalent as today. Instead, people would experience specific symptoms, seeking remedies or natural health suggestions to alleviate discomfort.

The shift from symptom-focused healthcare to disease-centric medical practices is worth examining. Previously, individuals sought treatment for particular symptoms, such as pain, inflammation, or digestive issues. Doctors would offer tailored remedies or lifestyle adjustments to address these symptoms effectively. However, contemporary medicine has undergone a dramatic transformation.

The surge in diseases is often attributed to the influence of pharmaceutical companies. Rather than addressing individual symptoms, modern medicine tends to categorize symptoms into predetermined disease labels. This approach enables doctors to input a set of symptoms into a computer, generating a disease diagnosis along with recommended pharmaceutical interventions or surgical procedures. While this method may seem efficient, it raises pertinent questions about the integrity of healthcare and the role of medical professionals.

“I don’t care what name you put on it; just get rid of the problem.”
~ Herb Roi Richards

One of the primary concerns with this disease-centric model is the emphasis on symptom management rather than holistic healing. Instead of treating the root cause of symptoms, the medical system often prioritizes suppressing manifestations through medication or surgery. While this approach may provide temporary relief, it fails to address the underlying issues contributing to the symptoms.

As evident from the works of Wayne Rowland and Herb Roi Richards, the path to disease symptom elimination is straightforward. It revolves around addressing pathogens, parasites, and worms, rebuilding the immune system, and adopting a healthier lifestyle. By avoiding pathogenic, poisonous, or processed foods and reducing exposure to toxins, individuals can take significant steps toward eliminating disease symptoms.

The Disease Symptom Elimination Kit outlined by Wayne Rowland offers a comprehensive approach to restoring health and well-being. With a combination of Silver Water, DMSO, chlorine dioxide, and other supplements, individuals can support their body’s natural healing processes and eliminate disease symptoms effectively.

Empowering individuals to take control of their healthcare is essential for promoting well-being and preventing disease. By prioritizing education, prevention, and self-care practices, individuals can reduce the incidence of diseases and live healthier lives. Together, we can shift the focus from disease management to true healing and prevention, creating a healthcare system that prioritizes the well-being of individuals over profits.

Silver Water Colloidal – Silver for Humans Health Wellness and Healing by Wayne Rowland with Herb Roi Richards © 2014 Leading Edge University

Now, for the first time, it is available to celebrate the 10th anniversary on

Wayne’s Gut Rebuilder Program delineated. Pg. 43

Silver Water is capable of combatting over 650 known diseases in six minutes without side effects. Pg. 22-23

No organism is capable of building resistance to Silver Water. Pg. 25

Wayne Rowland’s 10-case diabetes elimination guarantee. Pg. 61

Removal of toxins and heavy metals. Pg. 36

Did you know that your body is a parasite farm? Pg. 58

Symptoms of parasitic infection mimic disease symptoms. Pg. 88

In the 1800s people who dewormed did not get sick. Pg. 64

How Wayne’s classified ad offering a $10,000 Reward resulted in his curing his own esophagus and stomach cancers. Pg.9

Infuses Rife Frequencies equivalent to the Earth’s B-flat major chord musical notes into his Silver Water. Pg. 14

The consequences of parasites and ingesting their microscopic eggs. Pg. 37

Wayne cites Veterinary Parasitology Reference Manual by William J. Foreyt Pg. 91

Silver gone from food. Pg. 95

Wayne’s Parasite Cleanse & Deworming Program explained in detail. Pg. 56

Bring dead flowers back to life with Silver Water. Pg. 25

Wayne Rowland on pathogenic spirochetes as conscious parasitic bacterium. Pg. 39

Healing and growing back of flesh, muscle, skin, nerves, lost due to severe burns. Pg. 27

Doctors, the American Medical Association, and the FDA are in the business of keeping you sick. Pg 87

Drugs, chemicals, and fertilizers get into plants and lower your vibration when you eat them. Pg. 98

Wayne Rowland discovers Royal Rife’s Wave Machine and uses it on himself. Pg 10

Wayne discovers that cancer is caused by worms and parasites. Pg. 11

Broad-spectrum effectiveness against pathogens, viruses, yeast, mold, and fungus. Pg 23

Knock out the common cold by drinking Silver Water. Pg. 28

The many methods of administering Silver Water. Pg. 29

Prevent infection and recover quickly by using Silver Water to treat cat scratches. Pg. 30

How to eliminate most, if not all, disease symptoms. Pg. 73

How colloidal silver was created in ancient times. Pg. 18

Topical use of Silver Water combined with DMSO. Pg. 26 How to: Pg. 82

Heart surgeon quits after he learns the truth about the part worms play in heart disease. Pg. 89

The connection between pathogens, parasites, worms and disease. Pg. 33

80% cure of cancers in the 1800s by deworming. Pg. 65

Silver Water chokes out single-celled pathogens and viruses suffocating and killing them. Pg. 24

Wayne has the largest collection of Tesla equipment in the United States. Pg. 12

Sets out to create colloidal silver using manmade Tesla lightning. Pg. 13

Home experiment for testing the quality of colloidal silver. Pg. 21

The FDA is trying to squelch colloidal silver. Pg. 102

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3 responses to “Silver Water Colloidal – Silver for Humans Health Wellness and Healing by Wayne Rowland with Herb Roi Richards”

  1. Kathleen Avatar

    Extremely accurate. This is a great book for both the beginner and the well seasoned detoxer. You won’t be dissatisfied with it.

  2. DLittle Avatar

    Loved this book! Added it to my library books of healing. Informative & will be forever useful. I can’t recommend this book enough. More than worth the money.

  3. Taylore Vance Avatar
    Taylore Vance

    Great information! So happy to have this book! Thank You ❤️

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