Parasites and Worms Are Killing Your Efforts to Have a Better Life

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The idea behind my parasite cleanse is to eliminate the parasites and worms from your system before you do anything that might affect your body for the better. I say that to emphasize that any efforts you exert to make your body or life better will be interrupted by the parasites living inside you. You must deworm before doing anything because if you don’t, you will only contribute to the evolution of the parasites inside you.

Before you go on a diet, start a physical fitness routine, begin a healthy supplemental regimen, undergo surgery, or even conduct a meditative or spiritually expansive exercise, deworm first. Parasites and worms first have the right to refuse anything good you do to improve your quality of life.

One of the methods used by worms to control you is this:

Ever get sick when you start doing something good for your body? Suppose you are doing something good for you that might be detrimental to the existence of your worm population at the first indication of your beginning any regimen. Worm Attacks: In that case, they launch a counterattack by way of excrementation. That means they all urinate and defecate at the same time, resulting in immediate headaches or feeling sick.

And you think, what the hell? Every time I take that herb, use that essential oil, or take that vitamin, I feel like ten pounds of yuck on a popsicle stick. I better stop doing that. Then, there you have it: they have won.

To stop them from interfering with your desires to recover, repair, regenerate, or evolve, it’s up to you to take action to wipe out as many of them as you can before doing anything else to benefit yourself because your attempts will only make them smarter or stronger (or more evolved) otherwise.

Defeating parasites requires a multipronged effort because thousands of varieties of parasites fall under three main categories:

  • Microparasites
  • Surface Parasites
  • Worms

Microparasites are single-celled microscopic parasites, such as the malaria parasite, intestinal amoeba, giardia parasite, crypto-parasite, and toxoplasma parasite.

Surface Parasites include those that access the body by accessing and burrowing into the body’s largest organ, your skin, like mites, lice, scabies, fleas, ticks, and parasitic flies.

Worms are hard as hell to kill and include intestinal worms, whipworms, hookworms, ascaris, bloodworms, lungworms, heartworms, and tapeworms. Each type has many subspecies. For instance, there are 700 different types of tapeworms alone.

My Silver Water Colloidal is an excellent eliminator of microparasites and most surface parasites. The worms, on the other hand, have evolved over a hundred million years, predating any life on land and have evolved with the most incredible intelligence and skills for survival of any other organism. This is what we are up against.

While modern medicine downplays the prevalence of parasitic worms in humans, veterinary medicine knows all about it. Veterinarians are tasked with the inexpensive health maintenance of the food supply for carnivores, so farm animals are regularly dewormed to maintain a healthy status, and our pets, the ones we love, are regularly dewormed for their protection and ours.

Thanks to veterinary medicine, we have access to powerfully effective dewormers, such as Ivermectin, Pyrantel, and Fenbendazole. Thank God the FDA does not throttle veterinary medicine as they do modern medicine for humans. Do you know why they don’t? Because farm animals do not have health insurance. More on that later.

Food supply, mainly meat, but vegetation and fruit as well, are the most popular distribution methods for parasites, and if you have a pet, I am sad to say, you have yourself a little parasitic worm factory, and you have a higher worm-count than your petless neighbor. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is.

No problem, though, because now you can do something about it. I’ve developed a parasite cleanse and deworming program that can get you on the other side of this in three months. Now, I know three months is a lot to expect from anyone, and that’s for a full cleanse, but many people have expressed incredible relief after just a few weeks.

But keep this in mind: a thorough parasite cleanse and deworming are absolutely necessary, I mean for the full three months, if you want to have any hope of being clear of parasites, and that is to say, to have killed off so many of them that there are no survivors who will be better prepared for the next cleansing, leading to their adaptability index as they continue their evolutionary survival.

You will never be absolutely clear of parasites because you are always attracting new ones. But they are new, and they have no idea what’s coming if you conduct another one-month cleanse again in a year. They are more easily maintained than the ones who have established camp in your body over many years.

It is an incredible state of mind to experience being in charge of your parasitic environment. You will be surprised at the increase in your healthy status as now efforts to contribute to your own well-being are being realized by your own body, and you can see and feel the thrilling results.



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3 responses to “Parasites and Worms Are Killing Your Efforts to Have a Better Life”

  1. Avery Dixon Avatar
    Avery Dixon

    How can I start and where do I go OR get this deworming program ?
    for the 3 months you say I need to do this.

    Before I order the silver water & other products. So they wont or can’t outsmart and adapt to try to cause it to be in effective.

  2. Nan Sloane Avatar
    Nan Sloane

    Very interested in the parasite cleanse and ageless program

  3. John Sorensen Avatar
    John Sorensen

    prostatitus, tinnitus, scarred lung, memory loss, blurred vision = these conditions, can they be improved?

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