Highly Evolved Psychic Worms are Running and Ruining Your Life Causing Sickness and Disease

If you start deworming, understand that the parasites have evolved over millions of years; they are conscious and know how to best exploit a host to get what they want. It is almost as if they have psychic abilities.

They can react and cause symptoms that might make you think you’re having a healing crisis, but it’s just their way of getting you to comply with their needs. If you are actively engaged in an activity that is not to their liking, they can create physiological challenges to force your compliance.

You may not realize it, but your body is full of worms and other parasites. Worms are particularly advanced and have developed remarkable abilities that can significantly impact your health.

When you’re sick, it could be because these parasites and their waste products are affecting you. If you try to address this issue, you might end up doing something that the parasites dislike.

Following your doctor’s advice to treat your illness might seem like the right thing to do, but this often means just managing symptoms with medication, which benefits the parasites. Doctors are trained to manage symptoms over a long period because they’ve been taught that many conditions have no cure. So, you get a prescription, and the parasites continue to thrive inside you.

And if you were bold enough to suggest that worms or other parasites might be in play, the doctor will be quick to alert you, asserting that you do not have such a problem because worms and parasites are not a problem in the United States, only third-world countries where lack of hygiene, and resources or systems in place to deal with them, like we have here in the USA.

If you insist further, get ready to take some tests, and be referred to a specialist (psychiatrist) who will diagnose you with a mental condition that causes you to have wild imaginings, even causing your body to present feelings that you might think are consistent with having bugs crawling around on your skin or worms writhing around inside your body. Not to worry, they have a prescription, an antipsychotic medication, that will make those feelings go away.

You might get the idea of trying something on your own, like an herbal antis-parasitic concoction.

These parasites enjoy a luxurious life inside your body, treating it like a permanent vacation resort. They live comfortably, reproducing and feeding off you without any consequences.

However, if you take an herbal supplement that threatens their existence, they fight back. Their first defense is to release waste products into your bloodstream, causing headaches. If you persist with the herbal treatment, they continue to release waste, potentially leading to migraines.

You might think the headaches are caused by the herbal supplement and stop taking it, which would make the parasites happy as they resume their comfortable lives.

Alternatively, you could run an independent test on your own by taking some Argenine. L-Argenine neutralizes worm urine in about 20 minutes. If your headache goes away; you have worms.

Parasite waste can cause various health issues, including depression and stress, which can affect your daily functioning and well-being. Recognizing and addressing the root cause, rather than just managing symptoms, can help improve your overall health.

Depression and stress can be misinterpreted as workplace stress, leading to unnecessary conflicts. Proper deworming can significantly improve your mental and physical health, reducing stress and eliminating migraines. Parasite waste can build up in your muscles and cause pain and headaches, often mistaken for other conditions. Deworming can provide relief from these symptoms in just a few days.

Parasites are more active during a full moon, causing symptoms like itchiness. Using deworming products before the full moon can prevent these issues. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid deworming, as it can cause their babies to expel live worms.

The program I recommend is highly effective. Although it might seem unusual, it cleanses the small intestine thoroughly. It’s best to start the deworming process a few weeks before a full moon for optimal results.

Our deworming program is not heavily advertised; it spreads through word of mouth from those who have experienced its benefits. It’s important to use products from reliable sources, as poor-quality products can fail to work effectively.

When doing a deworming project, remember that parasites can adapt to the treatments. Changing the program periodically can prevent them from building resistance and help you eliminate a large number of parasites quickly. It’s not uncommon to expel several pounds of parasites in a short time, which can be shocking but beneficial.

If you take this information seriously, you can significantly improve your health and well-being. Always ensure you have reliable products and follow the program diligently for the best results.

For more information, see Worms Are Killing You by Wayne Rowland



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