There is a profound connection between parasitic worms and allergies. Science has muddied the waters of knowledge to cover up the actual connection between worms and allergies with extensive retelling and reconfiguring of the relationship between worms and allergies so as to support their allopathic treatment model, which treats symptoms endlessly and profitably while maintaining that there is no cure for allergies, only the treatment of symptoms over time.
According to modern medical science, their explanation of the connection between parasitic worms and allergies is basically:
You have allergies because your body has no parasitic worms.
You read that right: “You have allergies because your body has no parasitic worms.”
Your initial reaction will be disbelief, but they have a perfectly contrived explanation, and it goes something like this,
Our ancestors were exposed to parasitic worms that existed long before humans. Early humans did not have the hygienic knowledge and resources that we have today, so parasitic worms ran amok among early human populations. The human body developed a system, including IgE antibodies, to fight off the attacks of these worms from within, leading to the modern natural immune system that we enjoy today.
Today, only third-world countries continue to have problems with parasitic worms because we have superior methods of sanitization in place to ward off any potential parasitic worm attacks. Therefore, their populations (the worms) are hugely diminished, even near-extinct, and not found in American bodies. Therefore, they are only a problem in third-world countries.
Therefore, you have no parasitic worms in your body for your immune system to ward off, which is why you have allergies. To explain,
Your ancient immune system, designed to fight off the attacks of parasitic worms, no longer has anything to fight, but it is compelled to fight nonetheless, so it finds something to fight. Certain allergens found in foods, airborne particles, medications, bee venom, and other sources contain proteins similar to parasitic worms, thereby triggering the immune response. The IgE antibodies launch attacks on these otherwise benign substances. When these attacks are launched, the host experiences symptoms such as swelling, hives, respiratory issues, etc.
Their stated statistics support the idea that the rate of parasitic infestation in the USA has greatly diminished or no longer exists. As the population of parasites has diminished, the rate of allergens and allergic sensitivities among Americans has risen to keep human immunity’s defense system viable. There is no known cure for this immune response, only the treatment of the symptoms associated with allergies.
So, there you have it. Their explanation for why you’re not having worms is why you have allergies.
The Real Connection Between Worms and Allergies
Yes, parasitic worms predate the human race by millions of years. They are highly evolved and know how to best exploit any host to which they are matched. So, humans come along, making an excellent host. Since humans are the new arrivals to the planet, their immune system was a surprise for the parasitic worms who sought to infest these new beings.
Ancient prehistoric parasitic worms have evolved incredibly and continue to evolve. They possess survival skills and are highly adaptable to any circumstance over time. There appears to be a common consciousness among them because once a race of parasitic worms develops an effective survival strategy or adaptation in one area of the world, similar species-specific worms around the world evolve as well, even though they do not need to use the particular adaptation.
The hygiene hypothesis promoted by modern medical science is counterintuitive to the evolutionary adaptability of the parasites to which it is trying to apply the theory.
Symptoms of Worm Infestation
How do our bodies respond to an infestation of conscious parasitic worms? I’m glad you asked. The basic answer is this,
Parasitic Worms Make You Sick
These highly evolved conscious worms know how to exploit you best. The longer they are in you, the more they get to know you, and the more exploitative they can be. They know what makes you tick and what to do to make you do what they want or get them what they want.
They know how to make you crave a food item that you might not otherwise be interested in, or even something that you know is not in your best interest, yet there you are with a fist full of bob-bons or a mouth full of cheeseburger, chomping away. You’re thinking, “I don’t know why I’m eating this. I don’t regularly eat like this.” All the while, the worms are having a party, celebrating your running to the store or taking them out to dinner.
Immune Response to Worms
Remember that immune response that modern medical science referred to as targeting parasitic worms? That’s a real thing. BUT, that’s s big but, it is not responding to the evolved parasitic worms like it used to, not because they are no longer there, but because the worms have learned to trick the IgE antibodies into thinking that they are not there. The antibodies are now numb to their presence. The worms have developed strategies that include cloaking techniques and the production of numbing agents that throw off the immune system so that it thinks, “There’s nothing to see here.”
The doctors run tests, and sure enough, they get the same results from testing your immune system, which couldn’t properly identify a parasitic worm by now if your life depended on it; there is nothing to see here. Your results came back negative. You do not have a worm or parasite problem because this is not a third-world country, and there is no parasite problem in the United States.
That is how effective these critters are. And I don’t know about you, but I can think of a particular family that rhymes with Dockerfeller who might have a financial interest in the many ways that a sick and dying parasitic-worm-infested population could be profited from. I’m not a conspiracy theorist; I’m just saying that the thought crossed my mind, and it makes you wonder if there is something underhanded at play here.
Don’t Mess With the Worm
If you try to do anything that might not meet the approval of one of these highly evolved parasitic worms, it knows how to get you to stop by making you sick almost immediately. Let’s say you think you might have worms, even though your doctors say you don’t, and you decide to do something natural and herbal about it. You go to the health food store or your natural alternative specialist and get an herbal concoction that kills or upsets worms.
A worm pops up and says, “Oh, hell no,” and sends a message to all the other parasites, alerting them of the transgression. Then, all the worms on that frequency of communication urinate at once, which causes the host to have an incredibly painful headache.
If this happens to you, you might think that it’s because you took that nasty anti-parasitic concoction. If you have the nerve to try it again, you get the same response: another headache and a little nauseous. A reasonable person would assume that the potion was making you sick when it was actually the worms forcing you to abort the mission.
Parasites Love Toxins
Parasitic worms and all parasites thrive in a toxic environment. Though this is not ideal for the human body, the parasites love it. They constantly muck up the system with their urine and feces, and unfortunately for the host, the buildup of these toxins results in symptoms that resemble those of disease.
And suppose you are ever exposed to some benign ingredient that is not to their liking. In that case, they can always initiate a body-wide excretion campaign to initiate any given number of physiological reactions, including but not limited to allergic reactions.
It’s not good for you, but it’s great for your doctor. Anything the doctor can do to further toxify and increase the worms’ toxic threshold is better for them. This leads to more symptoms, and the cycle continues to grow and expand.
It’s like the doctors and the worms are working hand in hand on the same team to keep you sick and miserable and going to the doctor while suffering from the damn things.
What Can You Do About the Worms?
I am blessed to have discovered that I had a fatal parasitic worm condition and was able to get a new lease on life by defeating the parasitic worms. If you suffer from inordinate allergic symptoms, you are not doing so because you don’t have worms. This is happening because you do, and they are not running out of control; they are in control of you and your life.
To stop them, you must destroy them. You must kill them so that you can take your life back.

I have a parasite cleanse and deworming program that absolutely works. It’s a process that, if done correctly, will take 90 days, but some people just try it for a short period to relieve whatever the presenting symptoms are.
I advise against doing the short-term intervention because the parasitic worms are too smart. If you let them live, they will pass that knowledge on to the next generation and start finding ways to defeat even this program.

My program includes my Silver Water. I invented this unique type of colloidal silver using Tesla lighting as an energy source, the purest silver available, and by infusing the solution with healing and anti-parasitic Rife frequencies. This tiniest silver colloidal solution is as safe to drink as the purest drinking water, and parasites are unable to develop resistance to it.
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