Disease Symptoms, Parasites, Worms, & Pathogenic Spirochetes

When I see someone who is expressing disease-related symptoms, who may or may not have a specific diagnosis, what I find is far more cunning and deceptive going on inside the human body of people who are really sick. What is really going on inside the human body is invisible to the average doctor, but what can they do? They are limited to what they know, just as anyone is. They have been trained within a certain structure of study, while I have a different course of study, so I see things differently.

Parasites and Worms

What I see as the most common blockage to the human’s ability to thrive on a biological level are parasites and among those primarily worms. These parasites are largely overlooked by the medical community and are claimed to only be a problem in third-world countries, yet here they are, in every red-blooded American, and they are mostly directly responsible for what is make you feel sick.

Even though the general consensus is that most of us are perfectly fine with living with these worms in a symbiotic relationship, the fact remains that as they live inside you, you get sick when they urinate. The more of them that have taken up residence inside you, the sicker you get.

What’s worse is that they get the first right of refusal of any nutrients that you ingest. The worms get first dibs on all the best things that you are putting in your body to try to get or stay healthy. They cut off all your nutrition at the pass and keep it for themselves. Then, they pee out the refuse. That’s what you get, and you get sick.

Doctors don’t like to hear it and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States will do whatever they can to keep you from thinking that any of this is true, even for a moment, and I don’t really care.

This one thing I know; if I see worms prevalent in someone who has symptoms of disease, the symptoms disappear after following my instructions. Because I have seen them in person, the course of action is specific for each individual but always starts with my parasite cleanse.

In most cases, about 60%, the desired results are achieved following the 90-day parasite cleanse. For the remaining 40%, I will suggest a follow up program due to something far more nefarious at work. And that is pathogenic spirochetes.

Pathogenic Spirochetes

If you are really sick, even borderline deathly ill, and you have been diagnosed with an incurable, chronic, or deadly disease, there is a good chance that you have a population of pathogenic spirochetes living inside you, evil stealthy vampiric shape-shifting bacteria hidden beneath the more obvious layer of parasites and worms. They are much harder to deal with when parasites and worms are in the way, but not impossible.

Pathogenic spirochetes are a conscious parasitic bacterium that will and can do almost anything to survive until the host, you, have been depleted of all life resources.

Pathogenic spirochetes are also not easily recognized by the medical community due to their ability to morph in shape and substance, making it almost impossible to detect them. It is far easier to diagnose and treat a patient for a disease indicated by the presenting symptoms than to investigate something that they know little about. That’s not to say they no nothing about pathogenic spirochetes, because they have some extensive research that has been done, but all this is still in primitive stages, and to suggest that they may be consciously malicious is way outside their wheelhouse.

These microscopic enemies of human biology are internal terrorists hellbent on making you sick and keeping you suffering over a long period of time while they slowly drain you of your life force. An obvious cash cow for the medical community. Which might be why they don’t treat you for them (or parasitic worms) as a first line of defense for any disease-related diagnosis.

Your body is designed to defend itself against foreign invaders like the spirochete, but this malevolent organism has evolved in its consciousness and ability to mutate on the fly to a degree that it is nearly undetectable by the human immune system. This is problematic even for the healthiest person with the most robust immune system, let alone someone whose immunity has been compromised by diet and environmental conditions.

Pathogenic spirochetes possess an in-depth understanding of your body’s workings, sensing when they are under scrutiny from your immune system or external examinations. They are adept at evading detection, changing form, finding clever hiding spots, and can enter hibernation if necessary to stay alive.


Sequential Disease Variance

It is simply not normal for any person to have a laundry list of diseases diagnosed one after the other, that is unless they are being attacked from within by

pathogenic spirochetes. This is due to their metamorphosis capabilities which are not limited to this or that. They can appear to be the source of irritable bowel syndrome, until they tire of medical IBS management protocols, then they might morph into congenital heart disease.  Try to mess with them and they might turn into Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease.

All the while, your doctor does the best he or she can with the tools he/she has, and that is to run another blood test, evaluate the symptoms, make another diagnosis and follow another method of managing the disease based on calculations and recommendations by the pharmaceutical industry.

On and on it goes, until your body no longer has resources to survive the constant attacks.

Eliminating the Cause of the Disease Symptoms

The pathogenic spirochete is defeatable, but it is a battle that must be fought consistently over time. Due to the strength of the population, which is based on size and consciousness (the greater the size of the population the greater the collective consciousness), the time necessary to defeat the terrorist bacterium may vary.

I have developed a post-parasite-deworming protocol that I call the Disease Symptom Elimination Kit, which most people simply call the Disease Elimination Kit. I have asked people not to drop the “Symptom” from the kit because it is hard enough to keep from drawing unwanted attention to the work that I do from the FDA and Big Pharma.

This is a combination of products, not unlike my parasite cleanse, that is especially designed to eliminate any surviving pathogenic spirochetes.

Note: It is especially important to pursue the elimination of spirochetes with consistency and diligence, as taking a break or faltering only gives them ample time to recalibrate, repopulate, and evolve, making the next go round even more difficult (lengthy).

~ Wayne Rowland


3 responses to “Disease Symptoms, Parasites, Worms, & Pathogenic Spirochetes”

  1. Greetings, I am a 69 year old American male living in Brazil. I have lost 60 lbs of muscle in the past 5 years. I have had every medical test done that’s available to me. Nothing shows up to explain the weight and muscle lose. From 255lbs fit to 195lbs.
    I have done several ivermectin treatments with no success.
    Where do begin to lay out a path for a parasite program that may help me?
    Thanks, David

    • Wayne suggests a comprehensive parasite cleanse and deworming that includes his gut rebuilder program. See his book or search the Internet for more information.

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