Alternatives to Disease and Pathogenic Spirochetes

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A pathogenic spirochete, a harmful microorganism that is responsible for spreading illness or disease, plays an active role in causing various serious conditions. These organisms often hide in your body, evading your immune system and resulting in rapid sickness, which can lead to misdiagnosis. As a medical intuitive, Wayne Rowland ethereally scans your biochemistry to pinpoint and eliminate the underlying causes of your pathogenic spirochete issues. With this information, he retrieves a regimen from God’s banquet table to repair, correct, and heal the condition(s), preventing their recurrence.

Organisms — such as pathogenic spirochetes, other bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites — cause infectious diseases. Many organisms live in and on our bodies. Under normal circumstances, they are harmless or even helpful. However, some of them can cause illness. Infectious diseases are transmitted from person to person. Some are spread by insects or animals. You may contract other diseases if you eat or drink contaminated food or water or are exposed to harmful organisms in the environment.

Symptoms and signs vary according to the organism causing the infection but often include fever, digestive issues, and fatigue. Treating mild infections with home remedies and rest is possible, while some life-threatening infections require hospitalization. Infectious diseases have distinct signs and symptoms.

The following early warning signs and symptoms are common to a number of infectious diseases caused by pathogenic spirochetes:

    • Fever
    • Irritable bowel syndrome
    • Tiredness
    • Aches in the muscles
    • Having a cough
    • Diseases of the heart
    • Having diabetes
    • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
    • Having a stroke
    • Inflammatory arthritis
    • Inflammatory bowel disease
    • Atopic dermatitis
    • Various autoimmune diseases, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus
    • Conditions such as Crohn’s Disease and Colitis that cause inflammation
    • Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
    • Parkinson’s disease

The Root Cause of All Disease

Pathogenic spirochetes and other bacteria, such as those responsible for strep throat, urinary tract infections, and tuberculosis.

Other sources of disease may be involved, as well as pathogenic spirochetes. From the common cold to AIDS, viruses cause a multitude of diseases that are even smaller than bacteria. Many skin diseases are caused by fungi, including ringworm and athlete’s foot. Other types of fungi can infect your lungs or nervous system. Malaria is caused by a parasite transmitted by mosquito bites. Other parasites may be transmitted through animal feces.

Pathogenic spirochetes can spread infectious diseases rapidly, making them highly contagious.

Contact directly.

Most infectious diseases spread by pathogenic spirochetes are easily caught by coming into contact with an infected person or animal.

One individual to another. Contagious illnesses often disseminate through the direct transmission of bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms from person to person. This can occur when someone carrying the spirochete, bacterium, or virus comes into contact with an uninfected individual by touch, kissing, or respiratory droplets from a cough or sneeze. The spirochete responsible for syphilis can also transmit various other diseases through sexual contact. The carrier may not display any symptoms and unknowingly pass on the infection.

Being bitten or scratched by an infected animal – even a pet – can make you sick and even be fatal. Similarly, handling animal waste can lead to an infection, such as toxoplasmosis.

Pregnant women can pass germs that cause infectious diseases to their unborn babies. Some bacteria can pass through the placenta or breast milk. Germs in the vagina can also be passed to the baby during birth.

Contact through an indirect channel

Germs on inanimate objects, such as a tabletop, doorknob, or faucet handle, can indirectly spread spirochetes and other disease-causing organisms.

You can pick up microscopic pathogenic spirochetes, viruses, or other pathogens left behind by someone who is ill with the flu or a cold when you touch the doorknob. You may become infected if you touch your eyes, mouth, or nose before washing your hands.

Bites from insects

Insect vectors – such as mosquitoes, fleas, lice, or ticks – carry germs that spread from host to host. Mosquitoes can transmit the malaria parasite or West Nile virus. Deer ticks can carry pathogenic spirochetes that cause Lyme disease.

Contamination of food

Infection with disease-causing germs is also possible through contaminated food and water. It is possible to spread germs from one source to many people through this mechanism of transmission. In or on certain foods, such as undercooked hamburgers or unpasteurized fruit juice, Escherichia coli (E. coli) can be found.

Toxins and metals

Environmental toxins and metals are major contributors to a variety of diseases prevalent in our society. These harmful substances can enter your body through various means, such as water, food, air, and even through your skin and eyes. As a result, they target crucial parts of your body, causing numerous health complications. Heavy metals like mercury, lead, and cadmium are particularly toxic to the cells and can lead to common ailments, including coronary artery disease, cancer, autism spectrum disorders, dementia, and autoimmune diseases. Our ozone therapy, supplements, and exclusive chelation method effectively test for and remove these dangerous metals. Unlike standard chelation methods, which may redistribute the metal throughout the body’s organs, Wayne’s Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Program ensures safe elimination at a pace that suits each individual’s body.

Deworming and parasites

In his discussion, Wayne Rowland delves into the topic of parasites found in our food and their potential impact on our well-being. According to Rowland, these parasites are responsible for all types of diseases, including cancer, as they enter our bodies through unknowingly consuming parasite eggs in our meals. He asserts that salad dressing containing prop alcohol can facilitate the hatching of these eggs inside us. Furthermore, Rowland explains how parasites can affect specific organs like the pancreas and thymus, leading to ailments such as diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, and mold growth. In light of this, he suggests a deworming program to eliminate parasites from the body and claims success in assisting diabetics through this approach. Additionally, Rowland mentions other breakthroughs related to parasites, such as eye drops that supposedly improve vision and their connection to hair loss. Ultimately, he emphasizes that parasites are insidious killers and promotes his deworming program to restore health.

Colloids are essential to human health

Because fertilizers and chemicals degrade the nutritional value of our food, Wayne Rowland stresses the importance of supplementing our bodies with colloids. Our bodies need to transform food into colloids in order to utilize it, and if they can’t, it becomes waste.

The negative effects of drugs and chemicals in our food, which create an environment conducive to parasites, are also highlighted by Rowland. As well as urging listeners to clean up their bodies and treat diseases urgently, Rowland also speaks of pollution, citing the example of smog-obscured views from an airplane. As he concludes, he mentions his upcoming inventions and expresses concern about future restrictions on discussing certain topics, including parasites.

You may not have access to this information in the near future

Certain products, including colloidal silver, are being restricted from sales and promotion due to the FDA crackdown on non-pharmaceutical health claims. As an example of communism, Wayne Rowland expresses concern about the loss of information and options in the health food industry.


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