Author: Wayne Rowland
Wayne Rowland’s Bio-Dyna Zyme PLUS Revitalization and Pathogen Defense
In the pursuit of vibrant health and timeless beauty, we often seek out products that promise transformative results. Enter Wayne Rowland’s Bio-Dyna Zyme PLUS, a revolutionary biological formula encapsulated with a potent blend of magnesium oxides and enzymes. Beyond its digestive support, this remarkable supplement offers many benefits, ranging from youthful skin and energetic vitality… Read more
Wayne Rowland’s Ultrabiotic Plus: Your Probiotic Powerhouse!
Are you ready to transform your gut health and unleash a world of wellness within? Look no further than Wayne Rowland’s Ultrabiotic Plus – your ultimate companion on the journey to vibrant health and vitality! Packed with a potent blend of 12 diverse probiotic strains and a host of supporting enzymes and prebiotics, Ultrabiotic Plus… Read more
Purple Atlantic Dulse Seaweed: Fortifying the Body’s Defense Against Pathogens and Boosting Immunity
In the realm of superfoods, the spotlight often falls on exotic fruits, trendy grains, and rare herbs. However, nestled beneath the waves lies a treasure trove of nutritional powerhouses that often go unnoticed. Among these aquatic wonders, Wayne Rowland’s Certified Organic Dulse purple seaweed stands out as a true gem, boasting many health benefits that… Read more
Wayne Rowland’s Ultrazyme Plus for Natural Pathogenic Resistance and Immunity
While digestive enzyme supplementation primarily focuses on aiding digestion and nutrient absorption, its impact extends beyond the realm of gastrointestinal health. Here’s how digestive enzyme supplementation can play a crucial role in supporting overall health, fighting pathogenic attack, boosting immunity, and mitigating the negative effects of certain therapeutic procedures: Supporting Nutrient Absorption Digestive enzymes are… Read more
Wayne Rowland’s Stabilized Greens Powdered Drink Mix
The more you learn about health, nutrition, and the quality of foods available at our supermarkets, you wonder if there is any source of natural nutrition that can be trusted anywhere in the world that provides pathogen-free nutrition. Failing the growing of your own food, which can even provide questionable results these days, the best… Read more
Questions and Answers Wayne Rowland
Q: What is the standard maintenance dose of Silver Water? A: My Tesla-lightning and B-flat Silver Water is approved as a healthy alternative drinking water, so you can drink as much as you want. However, many people take one ounce or one cap full of Silver Water once in the morning and once at night… Read more
Parasites and Worms Are Killing Your Efforts to Have a Better Life
The idea behind my parasite cleanse is to eliminate the parasites and worms from your system before you do anything that might affect your body for the better. I say that to emphasize that any efforts you exert to make your body or life better will be interrupted by the parasites living inside you. You… Read more
Worms Are the Cause of All Disease
Pathogens: bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites, such as microparasites, surface parasites, and worms are the cause of all diseases. I came to this conclusion through the process of saving my own life by rejecting poisonous FDA-approved medicine and taking full responsibility for reversing my own medical death sentence. I have eliminated cancers from my body… Read more
Wayne Rowland Recommended Products
Silver Water has accelerated new tissue growth in burns and prevented infection and scarring. It is completely safe, does not harm helpful enzymes or flora, does not accumulate, has no known drug interaction, is non-toxic, has no side effects, has no tolerance, or has no known super strains or mutations. This silver is produced by… Read more
Self-healing is Not a One Size Fits All Solution
When it comes to taking full responsibility for your own healing, whether it be mental/emotional or healing from physical ailments/disease it is important to note that self-healing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some approaches have overall success for application to most people, but that it not always 100% true, as any critic or doctor will… Read more